Time of Use is Here
Eastern Ontario Power has made the switch to Time-of-Use (TOU) billing for eligible customers** effective June 1, 2012. Customers can expect their first TOU bill in July 2012 for energy consumption in June.
TOU billing divides a consumer’s electricity consumption into three different time periods; on-peak, mid-peak and off-peak. Each time period has a corresponding rate that will be charged for electricity used during that time. On-peak electricity rates are the highest, off-peak electricity rates are the lowest and mid-peak rates fall somewhere in between. While weekends and holidays are always off-peak, TOU periods for weekdays change seasonally. For more information about the current TOU time periods and rates, click the link below:
Current Time-of-Use Rates & Information
Take a few minutes to look at the timing of your energy use at home or at your business. With TOU billing, small changes to daily routines can make a big impact. For example, running high-energy appliances like dishwashers, washing machines and dryers after 7 pm instead of earlier in the day shifts consumption from on-peak and mid-peak periods to an off-peak TOU period resulting in lower charges on your bill.
To learn more about Time-of-Use rates, strategies for managing your costs and smart meters visit the Ontario Energy Board website. You can also view frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) on this website.
Time-of-Use Tips and Resources
Business Customers
Look for new ways to take control of your electricity use:
- review all the new energy conservation programs designed specifically for commercial customers to help reduce energy consumption and energy costs at this website
- turn equipment down or off when it is not needed. This means you only pay for what you use
- see if there are ways you can shift energy-intensive activities to Off-peak hours; prices are lowest on weekdays between 7 pm and 7 am and all day on weekends and holidays
- maintain and update equipment and lighting; you can get more from your energy dollar by properly maintaining your existing equipment and switching to more energy efficient options
- monitor your energy use from bill to bill to best manage your electricity costs
For more useful information, visit:
- Ontario Energy Board - Small Business Bill Estimator (choose "Canadian Niagara Power; Eastern Ontario Power" as your Utility)
- saveONenergy – For Business
- saveONenergy – Industrial
- saveONenergy – TOU Tool
**Customers who have signed an electricity contract with an Electricity Retailer will continue to pay the rates specified in their contract.
**Customers who are classified as General Service > 50 kW and Large Users > 5 MW will not be affected by TOU rates.