Landlord Agreement
Landlords and property management companies can manage the electricity provided to their rental units by signing a Landlord Agreement. Landlords may sign an agreement authorizing Eastern Ontario Power to automatically transfer responsibility for the service to the landlord when a tenant vacates. This ensures the electricity remains on at the property and is available immediately for the new tenant. Alternatively, landlords may wish to disconnect the property between tenants. A fee will be charged upon reconnection.
Landlord Consent for Service Connection Form
Effective September 1, 2011, Eastern Ontario Power will disconnect electrical service to rental properties upon move out of a tenant, if a new occupant account has not been established. This disconnection will be processed automatically if we do not have your signed “Landlord Consent for Service Connection” form on file.
Landlord’s/Property Manager’s wishing to avoid disconnection of electrical service to rental properties need to contact our office to arrange transfer of the electricity service account into their names at or before change of occupancy.
Please note that disconnected services may require an Electrical Safety Authority inspection at the expense of the Landlord/Property Manager. A reconnection fee will apply once service is restored. Eastern Ontario Power assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage to property resulting from the disconnection of electrical service.